Obrázok udalosti "Lisandra Garcia (Cuba) Workshops + Fiesta Cubana"

07 June

Lisandra Garcia (Cuba) Workshops + Fiesta Cubana

Salsa Cubana
Rumba (Cubana)
Son Cubano


We offer dance events and workshops in cuban music and dance: Timba, Salsa Casino, Rueda de Casino, Styling, Rumba, Son Cubano, Afro, Reggaeton!


Full Pass: €70,00

1 Class: €25,00

Party Admission: €10,00

Party Admission with Workshop Participation: €5,00

Dátum a čas

07/06/2024, 18:00 - 08/06/2024, 02:00



Kalvarienberggasse, 28A, Wien, 1170, AT

@Boogie-Lounge, Wien, AUSTRIA, 07th June 2024

LISANDRA GARCIA Salsa Workshop afternoon /// Salsa AFTERPARTY with Animations


Lisandra García (CUBA) one of the most well-known, viewed and followed cuban dancer-choreographer-artist of our times, who arrives to Vienna, Austria for the first time!

She invites YOU ALL to her extraordinary, 3hours intensive, cuban dance workshop afternoon, starting from some isolation elements, towards to advanced, solo choreographies.

Workshops recommended from intermediate/advanced dance levels, for all salseros/salseras, who ready to spice up their latin toolkit with some new experiences and challenges. Take your online registration in time (but with necessary transparency), as available places are limited.

DATE: 07th June. 2024. (FRI), 18:00-21:00

-Lady style

-Rumba Partnerwork

-Timba fusión

LOCATION: Boogie-Lounge, (Kalvarienberggasse 28A, 1170 Wien, AUSTRIA)

Instructor: Lisandra García (CUB)




[email protected]

WhatsApp: +34644743622 (ESP/ENG)

TICKETS (for the evening workshops)

at the door (by arrival, in cash)

70€ (for all 3 workshops), OR

25€ (for 1 workshop)

Online registration (MANDATORY) for workshops only:


We don't send reply/confirmation e-mails (don't worry, we receive your booking and hopefully we will see you during the event).

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Dance with the Salsa-dance-society of Vienna! This social dance night is designed for you, good reason to join. Be welcomed!

DATE: 07th June 2024. (FRI), 22:00-02:00

-22:00 Doors opening, Salsa party


Boogie-Lounge (Kalvarienberggasse 28A, 1170 Wien, AUSTRIA)

TICKETS (for the party only)

at the door (by arrival, in cash)

10€, OR

5€ (if you participated any Lisandra workshops & wearing the wristband you received)

MUSIC selected by:

- timba, salsa: AlgoMás!

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0/500 (Minimálne 10 znakov)

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