Obrázok kurzu "Salsa On 1 Workshops"

16 May, 2024

Salsa On 1 Workshops

Salsa LA Style


At Lento Dance Vienna, we're not just about teaching dance moves; we're about creating a community of passionate dancers who live and breathe the music. Whether you're a b...


Každý týždeň v Štvrtok od 18:00 do 19:00


Price Per Hour: €8,00






Little Havana

Elisabethstraße, 13, Wien, 1010, AT

A salsa course for beginners is designed to introduce individuals with little to no prior experience to the lively and energetic world of salsa dancing.

It provides a structured learning environment where participants can develop the fundamental skills and techniques necessary to dance salsa confidently.


*Drop-by / No registration required or long term commitment approach!

*No partner required, we rotate dance partners!


Photo & Video Disclaimer: Lento Club reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video.

Attendees who do not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the photographer, and/or the event organizers, and/or contact [email protected].

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


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