22 December
Eintritt inkl. WS bis 20.12.23: €20,00
Eintritt inkl. WS ab 20.12.23: €25,00
Date & Time
22/12/2023, 20:00 - 23/12/2023, 02:00
Join Us for NEXUS:Xmas Party!
Get ready for the holiday season at our NEXUS:pulse Christmas edition:
20:00 - 21:00 Open Level Workshop
Kickstart the evening with our festive workshop at 20:00. It's your chance to learn some fun holiday moves!
20:00 - 02:00 - Party with an International DJ
Location: Soundcube Studios: Guglgasse 12, Gasometer C
Party night including workshop with registration before 20 Dec €20
Party night including workshop after 20 Dec €25
Save €3 with your NEXUS:core card
Party is FREE with a NEXUS:tech card, but please register to secure your spot!
What's in store for you:
Christmas Cookies
Special prices for NEXUS:Core and Nexus:Tech Cards (Phase 2)!
Tombola with fantastic prizes
- 1 x NEXUS:tech full pass (Jan edition
- 1 x Frenzy Easter edition leader fullpass
- 3 x Party entrances for NEXUS:Pulse
- 1 x NEXUS shoe bag
Sign up here:
Don't miss out on this inaugural dancing and music celebration. Secure your spot and let's make this NEXUS:pulse party the ultimate holiday bash!
provided by El-U-Libre (17.12.23)