Forró is a typical music style original from the northeast of Brazil. It is a beloved rhythmic music that allow people with multiple dance backgrounds to enjoy dancing under the beat of "zambumba" (drums), triangle and accordion. There are several variations when Forró songs are performed, some well known are: baião, xote, xaxado and arrasta-pé. Those rhythms guide different dance styles that alter the speed, cadence and flow of the dance.
I love Forró, since when I was a school child in my home town Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil), when my mother pushed me to dance "quadrilhas juninas". So, Forró has been in my life since always, and everywhere I go, I try to connect with the local Forró scene, never forgetting my roots and helping to keep this Brazilian northeastern culture alive. Which is so important for me deep in my soul!