23 Apr, 2024
Dominican Bachata BEGINNER COURSE
Bachata con Sazon was established in 2021 and since then has been offering weekly regular classes in Traditional Bachata and Merengue - all levels, as well as intensive wor...
Every week on Tuesday from 20:30 to 21:30
Bachata Beginner COURSE (4 units): €60,00
Evita and Herb
Start your bachata dance experience from the roots!
In this course we will work on the fundamentals of bachata - the different basics, introduction to connection in partnerwork, basic turns and body movement. Since bachata originates from the Dominican Republic and is essentially Dominican, starting from the roots will give you not only a great overview of the essentials, but if will also spice up your experience with an unforgettable flair of the Caribbean. Whether you're new to the dance style or a sensual dancer who wants to explore the traditional style, you will equally enjoy this course! 🙂🏝
Evita is internationally certified to teach Dominican Bachata and Merengue.
Beginne Dein Bachata Erlebnis bei den Wurzeln dieses Tanzes!
Bachata stammt aus der Dominikanischen Republik und in diesem Workshop lernst Du die Basics mit den grundlegenden Bewegungen und Schritten, Rhythmus und Körpergefühl, sowie die Verbindung zum Tanzpartner.
Flair der Karibik inklusive 💃🏻🕺🏻🎶 🌴
Dieser Kurs setzt keine Vorkenntnisse voraus, egal ob Anfänger, oder z.B. Sensual Tänzer, die mehr über die Wurzeln von Bachata wissen wollen,- lerne hier den originalen Bachata Tanz kennen 🙂
Evita ist international zertifiziert, dominikanische Bachata und Merengue zu unterrichten.