13 Dez., 2024
Salsa Caleña workshops by Island Vibez
Mento is a non-profit association based in Vienna dedicated to the mediation of Afro-Caribbean and Latin culture and the promotion of cultural diversity in Austria/Europe. ...
Am 13 Dez., 2024 von 20:30 bis 21:30
1 Workshop (party included): €15,00
2 Workshops (party included): €25,00
3 Workshops (party included): €37,00
Karina Osorio
Offenes Niveau
We have amazing news for you! As our first Salsa Caleña workshop with @o.karinaleticia has been so successful, Island Vibez is doing three more in November and December. 🇨🇴💃🕺
The dates are 15.11. at Tinto, 30.11. and 13.12. at Café Afro.
The level is open but basic Salsa skills are required to participate.
Registration is necessary! Write us a DM or register via Social Dancing! You can get cheaper prices by buying your tickets online via Social Dancing.
Presale prices:
1 workshop: 15€, 2 workshops: 25€, 3 workshops: 37€
Prices at the door:
1 workshop: 17€, 2 workshops: 29€, 3 workshops: 42€
Included in the price is the admission for the afterparty
‼ Limited early bird available! All three workshops for just 30€ ‼️
There will always be parties after the workshops for endless dancing 🥳 Check out Island Vibez' Instagram profile (islandvibez_vienna) to stay updated!