Titelbild für Kurs "Dominican Bachata PARTNERWORK"

06 März, 2024

Dominican Bachata PARTNERWORK

Bachata Dominicana


Bachata con Sazon was established in 2021 and since then has been offering weekly regular classes in Traditional Bachata and Merengue - all levels, as well as intensive wor...


Jede Woche am Mittwoch von 20:00 bis 21:00


Dance like a Dominican - partnerwork, single class: €15,00

Dance like a Dominican - partnerwork, 10-block: €115,00


Evita and Herb


Offenes Niveau


Walcherstraße, 13, Wien, 1020, AT

Focus: Less is more! In this class we revisit the basic fundamentals in Traditional Bachata from a new angle and explore their richness. We work on connection, musical interpretation, musicality, and creativity. This class is also appropriate for those who want to explore the essentials of Traditional Bachata for social dancing.

Level: Open

Drop-ins are welcome!

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