Titelbild für Kurs "Dominican Bachata for Beginners - 4th class (out of 4)"

10 Juli, 2024 - 19 Juni, 2024

Dominican Bachata for Beginners - 4th class (out of 4)

Bachata Dominicana


I'm Cata - an independent certified Bachata instructor who has been teaching bachata in Vienna for many years. Whether you're looking for private classes, want to organize ...


Am 10 Juli, 2024 von 18:30 bis 19:30


1 month course (4x 60 mins): €60,00

STUDENTS 1 month course (4x 60 mins)***: €50,00

Single Class (1x 60 minutes): €18,00

Trial Class (one time only, only valid for BEGINNERS): €10,00







Esterházygasse, 25, Wien, 1060, AT


Join me, Cata, a certified Dominican Bachata instructor, for our Dominican Bachata New Beginners 4-week course starting on the 19th of June (until the 10th of July)!

You don't need to bring a partner to join our classes; just bring your enthusiasm and willingness to learn 🤗.

New Beginners: ⭐

Class duration: 4 weeks, Every Wednesday (starting on the 19th of June and ending on the 10th of July)

In the first class, from 18:30 - 19:30, we'll cover all the basics needed to get you moving confidently on the dance floor!

I will teach you basic fundamentals of footwork and partner work, ensuring you grasp all you need of this beautiful dance even if you have no prior knowledge of dancing.

BASICS are key! This course is so important and will set you up with the proper foundation you need to continue dancing any style of latin dance.

For anyone looking to start dancing, this is the perfect class for you!

❓Questions often asked:

👉🏼Do I need a dance partner? Nope! You can bring someone if you like but this is not mandatory as we swap partners during class.

👉🏼 Can I pay with card? If you reserve your spot through EVERSPORTS, you can pay upfront. Otherwise, you can only pay cash at the door.

👉🏼 Do you I need to wear heels? You can if you want, but I personally prefer sneakers and comfortable footwear. This is up to you. Ideally, you bring a pair of shoes to wear to protect our dance floors.

👉🏼 Where can I practice what I learn? Every Wednesday after classes we visit RUMBA & MAMBO (U1 Donauinsel)! There will be Dominican music playing starting 20:30 and you can head over there (free entry) to practice. The Dominican community in Vienna also organizes more and more Dominican events and we publish these on the various channels (Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp groups). JOIN US!

Come and discover the joy of dancing bachata with me!

I look forward to welcoming you to our classes at Casanena!

Write me if you have any questions (+43 69911008087)

*** students up to 20 yrs + Uni students up to 27 yrs with a valid student ID

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